The equipment priced at 13,5 mio. Euro has been delivered on site of AUM Complex in Gubkaha

On August 19, 2018, from Italy the ammonia reactor weighing 230 tons was delivered to the construction site of Ammonia-Urea-Melamine Complex, Metafrax. The total value of the equipment delivered under the investment project is 13,5 mio.Euro. Before the end of 2018, all Long Lead Item will be delivered for future industrial complex.
On June 04, the cargo ship “Modulus 4” with the ammonia reactor manufactured by LUIGI RESTA (Margera, Italy) departed the port, and on June 16, the cargo entranced to the port of Rostov-On-Don. The next route stage is “Transkama” terminal in Nizhnekamsk, from where the reactor was sent on the flatcar to Ugleuralskaya station. On August 19, the reactor was delivered to the construction site of AUM Complex. During 77 days the cargo covered more than 6000 km by water, railways and road.
Vladimir Daut, Director General of PJSC Metafrax, said that the large equipment is delivering according to schedule and that before the end of this year we shall receive all the Long Lead Items for AUM Complex. The manufacturing period took near two years under supervision of the Project Licensor (Casale, Switzerland). Transportation of the large equipment is very complex process, and, firstly, due to specialties of the roadways and bridges.