Spherical tanks at liquid ammonia storage are under installation

Despite the cold and rainy weather in the second half of June, the installation of steel structures and equipment on facilities for Ammonia-urea-melamine (AUM) Complex of Metafrax Chemicals was continued. Works are proceeded as per schedules.
The installation of upper cladding for spherical tanks at liquid ammonia storage has been continued. Sheet stainless steel with thickness of 1 mm is used. The volume of one tank is 3000 m3, diameter is 18 m. The total square area of stainless steel cladding surface for three tanks exceeds 3000 m2.
The big scope of works is performed by fitters of Uralenergomontazh company (UEM). At the highest tower of Urea plant (height of 61 m) they lifted up, put between steel structures and fixed at elevation of 54 m an MP absorber with mass of about 10 tones. Besides, workers of this subcontractor company installed 8 items of big equipment with mass of more than 30 tones: 4 steam condensators, 2 condensate separators and 2 vacuum separators of melamine plant at different elevations of off-gas pump house tower for urea plant.
On regenerator of CO2 recovery unit the installation of service platforms, staircases, process pipelines and equipment piping inside the pump station building has been continued.
Workers of subcontractor organization Altex Stroy continue the installation of piperack coming from building of urea classifier for AUM storage facility up to operating urea storage. Five spans with mass of more than 70 tones are installed. In upcoming days 3 spans more will be erected.