Reward for Life Savers

The award ceremony for bone marrow donors was held in Perm. Residents of the Kama region - Anna Vychugzhanina, Aleksandr Ivanov, Olesya Mikhalets and Aleksandr Perin received medals titled "For assistance to the donation movement".
Bone marrow donation is the last chance for recovery for children and adults with leukemia when other therapy methods are powerless. One of the options to become a potential bone marrow donor is to fill out a questionnaire and donate 4.5 ml of blood at any branch of the "MedLabExpress" laboratory. The second option is to join the register of donors right at the workplace together with colleagues – to organize a corporate donation campaign. Such campaigns in the Perm Region are conducted with support of Seifeddin Rustamov, the beneficial owner of "Metafrax Chemicals" JSC. Since 2018, the company has been helping Perm residents to join the register of bone marrow donors and share cancer medicine.
- Donors from the Perm Region occupy an important place in the register of donors. I am very pleased to bring medals to Perm, - stated Natalya Beketova, the coordinator of the bone marrow donor register at the Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology, Haematology and Transplantation named after. R.M. Gorbacheva (St. Petersburg), - I would like to express my gratitude to the donors for their participation. They are distinguished by compassion for someone else's distress. I would like to wish our donors mutual kindness from the world, well-being and good health.
Since 2015, the "Mind Donation" project of the "Dedmorozim" Foundation has been helping to increase the number of potential bone marrow donors from the Perm Region, and, at the same time, increase the chances of recovery for children and adults with serious illnesses. During this time, more than 5000 residents of the region have joined the donor register.
More information about donation can be found at the "Dedmorozim" website: or via phone: +7(342) 270-08-70.