Awards to the innovators

On 23rd of June, on the eve of the Inventor’s and Rationalizer’s Day, “Metafrax Chemicals” honored the best innovators of the company according to the results of 2022.
Aleksander Eske, Director of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul activities, congratulated company workers for accomplishments in inventions and rationalization activities and presented the letters of appreciation and awards to Lyubov Pankova, the Head of the Scientific-Research Laboratory of the Central Production Laboratory and to Valeriy Belov, Senior Engineer of Compression and Synthesis Division of Methanol Production.
Lyubov Pankova – coauthor of three inventions for the methods of obtaining the finished products containing formaldehyde, which are now undergoing the state registration. Valeriy Belov – coauthor of several rationalization proposals, two of which will be shortly implemented in the production process.
Also Director congratulated young professionals, active participants of the “School of Masters” with awards and corporate gifts for the active rationalization activities. This is Anton Veshnyakov, Senior Foreman of the Ammonia-Urea-Melamine Complex Dynamic Equipment Operation Control Bureau of POROTS production, - the author of the rationalization proposal related to the modification of design of the semi-submersible pumping equipment of the Hexamine Division, which made it possible to reduce the repair costs and increase equipment operational life. One more “hero of the day” – Leonid Fillimonov, Head of the Shift of Methanol Production, who is also the coauthor of the rationalization proposal developed within the “School of Masters” and accepted for implementation.
On behalf of innovators, Luybov Pankova thanked the Company Management for the recognition, and the colleagues from the Quality Management Department for their help, support and assistance in rationalization and invention activities.
We wish all company innovators to have new ideas, successful and fruitful work, implementation of the most daring projects and significant achievements!