New milestone of rebranding

On November 28 at the Metadinea Moscow office was held meeting to review the four milestones of the Metafrax Group of Companies rebranding project. Top managers of Metafrax, Trading House Metafrax, Metadinea Russia, Metadinea Austria and members of the project management team participated in the session.
Experts from Electric Creative presented the results of research. They provided the description of the key trends in the chemical industry and the methanol market, analysis of the largest European and Asian chemical companies brands, the description of the situation on the Russian market as well as the communication practices used there. Also was presented an analysis of the Metafrax brand and the company's brand name.
Based on the results of the research, Electric Creative presented for discussion a positioning map with positioning hypotheses of the new Metafrax brand. There are two concepts to choose from, describing options of the Vision and Mission of the brand, its naming as well as possible models of the brand architecture.
Also during the meetings was presented a creative exercise “Brandbox”. It is a process part of the platform and strategy creation for the Metafrax brand and it will allow to capture the idea adopted and agreed within the Metafrax team in a set of images.
“A representative circle of participants allowed us to cover all the assets of the group as widely as possible. As a result, we’ve had a great discussion platform. Now the management team along with Electric Creative experts should finalize the project. Until the end of the year, we intend to approve the concept, brand architecture, naming and start with the brand design,” commented Maria Konovalova, head of the rebranding project management team.