Renewed brand of Metafrax Group will appear in summer of 2019

PJSC Metafrax, the largest Russian producer and exporter of methanol and its derivatives, starts the rebranding procedure. The renewed brand of the company will be presented in July 2019, a full-fledged launch of the brand is planned for the autumn of 2019.
Metafrax started the rebranding procedure. The contract for services rendering is signed with the multi-channel strategic communications agency Electric Creative.
The need for rebranding in the company is explained by the rapid expansion of business. The company is already the largest producer of methanol, pentaerythritol and hexamine in Europe. In addition, the subsidiary company Metadynea is on the list of the largest producers of synthetic resins in Europe.
The group's turnover is growing due to active investment policy, increasing production and sales, expansion of the assets portfolio. The revenue of Metafrax group has increased 3.5 times since 2011: from 13.2 billion rubles to 45 billion rubles by the end of 2017. It is planned that by the end of 2018 this figure will approach 50 billion rubles.
A large number of subsidiaries (both acquired and created «from scratch») presents the structure of Metafrax group. As a result, at the moment, the group includes 15 companies based in Russia and abroad. The group continues its active expansion to foreign markets: in 2017 the share of exports in the turnover of companies of the group exceeded 50%. Export deliveries are provided in 60 countries of the world.
- The decision to launch the project was approved by the Board of directors of the company in April. Today the project is fully launched, - comments Maria Konovalova, PR advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Metafrax.
At the initial stage of rebranding, it is necessary to develop a general concept for the project. To do this, a study of industry trends and competitive environment, interviews and other preparation works will be conducted. At the end of this stage, which is scheduled for the end of 2018, the brand name should be formed, and, taking into account the diversified business of the company, the architecture of the brand family as a whole.
- At the research stage, we will analyze Russian and foreign markets, business portfolios of companies of Metafrax Group, which will help us to understand the architecture of the family of brands. After the analysis, we will proceed to the creation of a positioning strategy and a brand platform. And only after that we will proceed to the stage of visualization and design, - says Beso Turazashvili, CEO of the agency Electric Creative.
The next stage, which is planned to complete in July 2019, will focus on the visualization of the brand: detailed design of the brand, the creation of a brand book, the development of a communication concept, and the creation of a brand website.
Maria Konovalova, PR advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Metafrax, was appointed the head of the working group on the rebranding project. The managing team for the project also includes members of the Board of Directors and top managers of the company.
Additional Information:
PJSC Metafrax is the flagship of the Russian market of organic chemistry with a worldwide reputation. It is the largest Russian exporter of methanol with a total export share of about 40%. The company's geography includes 60 countries.
The chemical division of the group of companies includes the head enterprise - PJSC Metafrax (Gubakha, Permsky Krai), Metadynea LLC - production of formaldehyde and synthetic resins (Permsky Krai, Moscow region), Metadynea Austria - production of formaldehyde and synthetic resins (Austria, Krems), JSC Karbolit - an industrial park of the "brownfield" type (Moscow region).
Trading companies of the group: Trade House Metafrax (Perm, Russia), Metadynea Trading SA (Geneva, Switzerland), SamyangMeta Ltd (Seoul, South Korea).
According to IFRS total revenues of GC Metafrax exceeds 45 billion rubles.
Group enterprises produce methanol, formalin, pentaerythritol and hexamine, urea-formaldehyde concentrate (UFC), synthetic resins, polyamide, sodium formate, etc.
Electric Creative:
BESO TURAZASHVILI - Founder and CEO of the multi-channel strategic communications agency Electric Creative. He graduated from New York University (NYU), built a career in branding in Wolff Olins in London and Dubai before moving to Moscow. Among his clients are VTB Arena Park, Dubai International Airport, Hyatt Group, Nestle, Dr. Reddy's, Cyient, Synterra Group, Sirius and others.