Production scale evaluation

On April 20th, the delegation of employees from "Metafrax Group" MC, "Metafrax Trading", "Metafrax" ETC and "Metafrax Inform" visited the enterprise of "Metafrax Chemicals" in Gubakha. Representatives of Perm offices saw the exhibits of corporate museum and power supply workshop museum, and visited the museum, the plant management office and central control room of the "Ammonia-Urea-Melamine" complex (AUM).
During the sightseeing tour, the employees were able to evaluate the scale of the enterprise and learned about the production plant types and products: former, current and future. Vladimir Osipchuk, the corporate museum specialist, spoke about the history of the enterprise, showed the workshop for transport preparation and repair, the nitrogen-oxygen station, the formalin plant, methanol and paraformaldehyde production plants as well as other workshops.
In addition, the employees visited the Ural Chemical Technology College (UCTC), where Natalya Myazina, the supervisor, showed them the classrooms, workshops and laboratories. The specialists saw the operation of equipment, which was procured with the support of "Metafrax Chemicals" JSC, and found out about the further development plans of the educational institution under the "Professionalitet" federal project.
The production tours are given in the holding regularly. They allow the specialists to gain new knowledge, to see the processes that occur in the group of companies from a different side and strengthen professional connections.