“Metafrax's” experience in integrating education and production is recognized as one of the best in the country

The joint project of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC and the Ural Chemical Technology College (UCTC) titled "Turnkey personnel" for the professional training of students and the employment of college graduates at the enterprise was among the seven best practices of the entities of the Russian Federation in the area of "Mechanisms contributing to the further employment of graduates". Information on this is published at the website of the Development Institute for Vocational Education: link.
The joint work resulted in a significant increase in the employment of college graduates in the professions that are in demand at the enterprise from 48% in 2019 to 71% in 2021. The number of college graduates working for "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC in March of 2022 amounted to 1106 people. In March of2022, the share of college graduates in the staff listing of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC reached 44.5%. Information on best practices was sent to all regions of the country, including the heads of professional educational organizations, for the purposes of implementation and further distribution of best practices.
The main areas of joint work of "Metafrax" and UCTC are recorded in the Agreement between the enterprise and the educational institution. One of the key areas is the engagement of company's dedicated specialists in training. They participate in the development of educational plans and programs, teach on a part-time basis, work in attestation commissions, organize industrial training of UCTC students at the enterprise and act as experts. The company provides UCTC with financial support. Over the past 2 years, with the involvement of funds from "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC, a number of unique educational complexes and laboratories have been created and equipped with modern educational equipment as part of public-private co-financing. Successful college students are awarded with corporate cash bonuses, including the bonus of Vladimir Daut, General Director of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC.
In 2022, "Metafrax Chemicals" plans to invest more than 7 million rubles in the development of UCTC. In particular, 5.3 million rubles will be allocated for equipment for the newly created laboratory of analytical chemistry, funds are foreseen for the implementation of the "Chemical Technology of inorganic substances" program for 3-4-year students of the "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances" course, within which teachers of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU) conduct classes with college students, as well as scholarships and organization of training and competitive events.