Open dialogue with the future colleagues

PJSC Metafrax Chemicals general director Vladimir Daut had a meeting with the students of Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), who are getting the degree via the company’s contracts. The company manager regularly holds similar meetings with the students. More than 100 people participated in an open dialogue. Metafrax team on the event was also represented by the general director deputy on personnel and social issues Rashid Shakirov and specialists of the HR department.
Vladimir Daut spoke about history and development program of Metafrax Group, perspective technologies of methanol deep processing, social guarantees and actions to support the employees, also he responded to numerous questions from the students. In the end of the meeting, the students received the memorable gifts, such as gowns and t-shirts with Metafrax Group symbols.
At the moment, based on the cooperation contract with the company, 162 students are getting the degree in the universities, 153 of them full-time, 9 company employees are getting higher education as extramural studies. From the ones studying full-time, 119 students are on a budgetary basis (grant holders), and 34 students are on a contractual basis (contract students). In PNRPU 136 students are getting the degree full-time. All of them have paid practical training at Metafrax Chemicals, and after receiving their degree they will be employed by the company.
Extensive cooperation with Perm Polytechnic University – Metafrax long-time partner – is a substantial part of the personnel preparation program of the company. PNRPU teaching personnel regularly holds classes on chemistry and physics for the high school students of Gubakha New Educational Center within preparation to the unified state exam. In Ural chemical and technological college (UCTC) is implemented a program of additional education from PNRPU “Chemical technology of inorganic substances” for the students of 3-4 years. The students get the classes from the leading university professors. The program allows to increase professional knowledge of the college graduates, and it gives an opportunity for its graduates to continue education as extramural studies of the faculty “Chemical technology, industrial ecology and biotechnologies” of PNRPU right from the third year.