Discovering the secrets of architecture

The Museum KUB opens for residents of Gubakha and guests of the town a visiting exhibition of the Perm State Art Gallery "Arka. Balka. Kapitel".
The exhibition is dedicated to architecture and is addressed to both children and adults. The exhibition introduces the audience to the expressive means of architecture, the main types of architectural structures and the work of the architect. "Arka. Balka. Kapitel" is a continuation of the joint educational project "Chemistry of Art" of the Perm Art Gallery and Metafrax Group. The exhibition was also created with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Perm region under the “Perm 300” project.
"The main idea of the "Chemistry of Art" project is to introduce children to works of classical art in an exciting way, to reveal the secrets of the creative inner workings of the masters, to show the inextricable link between science and art", said Deputy of the Legislative Assembly in Perm region, First Deputy secretary of the regional branch of Edinaya Rossia Party Armen Garslyan. "The new exhibition dedicated to architecture was highly appreciated by Perm citizens, now it is available to residents of the Kizel coal area. We invite you to visit the exhibition "Arka. Balka. Kapitel" with children to find out who and how comes up with buildings, what materials our ancestors used, and which houses are being built from now”.
In the Perm State Art Gallery the exhibition "Arka. Balka. Kapitel" was exhibited from June to October 2023. The exhibition combines authentic exhibits with an interactive presentation of the material. Thus, the exhibition contains tactile models of architectural elements, as well as a wooden construction kit from which buildings of different styles and eras can be assembled.
The official opening of the exhibition will take place on February 14 at 18:00 at the KUB Museum at 38 Lenina Avenue, Gubakha. The exhibition can be visited using the Pushkin card. You can confirm your participation by calling the KUB Museum by phone: +73424841145. The exhibition in Gubakha will run until March 31, 2024.