Quality high achiever

The products of Metafrax were awarded the mark of quality at the all-Russian competition «One hundred best products of Russia». Technical pentaerythritol grade А (high grade) and technical formalin grade FM (high grade) became the diploma winners in the nomination «economic and technical outputs ».
On December 17, the well-deserved honour was given to Ludmila Mikhaleva, Chief of In-process Control Dpt, JSC Metafrax, at the award ceremony. Ludmila Mikhaleva was also awarded a personal badge of honour «Quality high achiever».
- We take part in the competition «One hundred best products of Russia» every year and the organizers always highly appreciate the quality of our products. No wonder, the enterprise pays key attention to the quality. The quality control is carried out during the whole process cycle starting with raw material preparation. It is quality that is one of the core drivers of high competitive position of our products, - says Ludmila Mikhaleva.
Metafrax got the right to place a silver logo of the competition «One hundred best products of Russia» at its products packing within two years.