Advanced solutions and prospects for synthesis gas

“Metafrax Group” delegation participated in the second congress and exhibition "Nitrogen Synthesisgas. Uzbekistan and CIS". Representatives of industrial enterprises, licensors, developers, suppliers and equipment manufacturers discussed the main vectors of development of synthesis gas processing and technological solutions, as well as issues of energy dependence and resource efficiency from the industry's transition to renewable energy sources.
The congress was attended by representatives of JSC "Metafrax Chemicals": Vladimir Daut, Advisor to General Director, Evgeny Gavrilov, Director for Strategy and Investments, his deputy Lyudmila Zueva, Andrey Eremeev, Director of the Ammonia-Urea-Melamine (AUM) plant, and Konstantin Foteev, Head of Production and Technical Department.
The first session was moderated by Lyudmila Zueva. The topic of discussion was forecasts of development of synthesis gas processing industry in Uzbekistan and CIS, trends and long-term goals of market players. The trends were discussed using examples presented by the participants of strategic investment projects, as well as the development of international business cooperation. Evgeny Gavrilov presented the world experience of using methanol as a fuel for various transportation and energy. He also spoke about the current status of the project to develop the use of methanol as a fuel in Russia and the activities of the working group under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on the use of methanol as an alternative fuel for railroad locomotives. Representatives of the Ministry of Industry of Uzbekistan supported the discussion and expressed interest in the possible prospects of economic and environmental benefits of using methanol as a fuel.
Examples of successful projects of gas chemical industry in Central Asia were also discussed at the section of the same name, moderated by Lyudmila Zueva. Representatives of the chemical industry of the region considered the activities of techno-parks, in particular, Technopolis "Himgrad" in Uzbekistan, proposed solutions for the construction of chemical complexes, opening of the school of chromatography.
In the concluding session of the congress, industry representatives discussed the prospects emerging in the production of "green" and "blue" ammonia and mineral fertilizers. At this session, Ludmila Zueva spoke about ammonia production at Metafrax Chemicals' AUM plant, where purge gases from methanol production are used for hydrogen extraction, and the features of urea production, which uses flue gases from methanol production.