Perm science and educational centre has prepared for Metafrax technical and commercial offers on the promising projects

On 17th April there was yet another online meeting of the Perm science and educational center “Rational subsurface use” (NOTS) and management of the enterprises included in the Metafrax group. The scientists presented technical and commercial offers to solve the issues formulated during the previous meetings.
In the online meeting participated the NOTS head Pavel Ilushin, representatives of the Perm state national university (PGNIU) and Perm national polytechnic university (PNIPU), general director of LLC Engineering and technological center Metafrax Nikolay Ilykhin, deputy general director of LLC Metafrax Trading Oleg Gordienko.
Earlier NOTS and Metafrax have defined the relevant areas of cooperation to create the production process of the new products for the chemical company. Based on the technical and commercial offers Metafrax will choose the science teams, who will be offered further cooperation.
“The company already has cooperation experience with science and educational organizations of the region and country. NOTS assumes a new interaction format acting as an integrator of the science efforts of the university community of the Perm region”, said Oleg Gordienko following the meeting.