The first batch of concrete for the AUM will be ready in the middle of February

“Concrete production for the Ammonia-Urea-Melamine complex will be started in the middle of February”. – Reported representative of LLC "Management Company "Uralenergostroy", general contractor of the project, during the visit of Vladimir Daut, General Director of PJSC Metafrax, to the AUM plant construction site. The company management, Aleksandr Lysov, Director of AUM plant, and representatives of the second general contractor, OJSC NIIK, inspected main objects and sites of the constructed complex.
The concrete will be produced at the newest Liebherr ready-mix unit, assembled at the AUM complex site. The unit is compact and highly efficient. Its capacity will be up to 1 100 cubical meters of concrete per day. Its heating system allows to produce concrete even in winter conditions.
In January, 2018, the assembly of the construction headquarter prefab buildings, where the work places for the AUM managers and employees are organized, is over. About 150 people will work there, the buildings have comfortable offices, a conference room and a meeting room, a kitchen, lavatories and shower rooms.
“The work is carried our according to the schedule. At the time being, 140 people are involved into the AUM construction: they are employees of two general contractors – Uralenergostroy and NIIK. In a month, due to extension of the construction work scope, more than 100 people will join them. In general, during the peak of construction, more than 3 thousand people will work at the site”. – Informed Vladimir Daut, General Director of PJSC Metafrax.
Vladimir Aleksandrovich had inspected the main areas (terraces), where the Ammonia, Urea and Melamine units will be situated, as well as areas for the general contractors for the complex construction.
“The construction site had been prepared for the entire year of 2017, its area is more than 20 Ha. At the time being, the underground communications are laid in order to start the next stage of construction in summer - assembly of the equipment and building steel structures foundations”. – Commented Aleksandr Lysov, Director of AUM plant.
For your reference:
The Ammonia-Urea-Melamine complex construction is a new phase of the company development, it is included into the Metafrax group development strategy until 2030. Such large projects haven’t been realized since the methanol plant start-up.