Portal to the profession

Rashid Shakirov, Deputy General Director of Metafrax Chemicals for Personnel and Social Affairs, in an interview with the "Uralskiy Shakhter" newspaper spoke about the Company's participation in the "Professionalitet' project and social partnership with the "Urals Chemical Engineering College".
Metafrax takes an active part in the implementation of the "Professionalitet' project, within the framework of which an educational and production cluster will be opened on the basis of the "Urals Chemical Engineering College" by September, 1, 2023.
- I believe that the federal project "Professionalitet' will open up new horizons for young people: educational programs will be completely different, - noted Rashid Shakirov in particular.
According to the words of the manager, by getting practical skills within the walls of the enterprise, graduates will be better prepared for the employment. Metafrax Chemicals focuses on the training of such professions as an operator of the process plants, a chemistry lab technician and a maintenance technician.
Rashid Shakirov highlighted that the Company has been cooperating with the "Urals Chemical Engineering College" for a long time:
- A year ago a platform was created for the administration of demonstration exams, where our specialists are experts. A system of dual training is developed. We are forming an unified concept of personnel training. The student will start living with the enterprise in tune and will be ready to come to production immediately after training.
The logical continuation of this work will be the creation of an educational and production cluster based on the "Urals Chemical Engineering College".
- The main thing here is high—tech equipment: virtual simulators, laboratories of individual development and much more, taking into account the chemical industry. We declare our readiness to employ 85% of college graduates under the project," Rashid Shakirov said.
Read the full text of the interview on the "Media Club" information portal: link