New Year's Eve awards to the best of the best

A ceremony of awarding with the grands of Metafrax Chemicals to the schoolchildren and students of the Urals Chemical Engineering College, who have achieved success in their studies, sports, and creativity, was held in the studio-theater "Dominanta".
Parents and teachers came to congratulate the children on this day. Elena Bolotova, Head of the Personnel Management Department of Metafrax Chemicals JSC, presented the Company's traditional annual award to 30 gifted, intellectual, creative, and athletic children from Gubakha and Gremyachinsk.
- Well-deserved awards have found their worthy winners today. Metafrax always tries to support such children, and we will continue this work. Today you have demonstrated that you are worthy of recognition. All ways are open to you, but I want, that you always remember, where your path began – here, in your small homeland, in your native school. Do not be satisfied with what has already been achieved, dream of the great things, of your successful future and make your dreams come true, - Elena Bolotova congratulated the children.
The winners of the Company's award at the year-end 2022 were children of the Gubakha's schools Lada Brazhnikova, Ivan Kovalev, Anna Baldina, Kirill Zhigalov, Maxim Kamaletdinov, Ksenia Lanetskaya, Anna Popova, Vasily Khodyrev, Stepan Babkin, Alexander Sharov, Alyona Buzmakova, Evgenia Yelkina, Elizaveta Belozerova and Victoria Mayorova.
The awards were given to the students of the Urals Chemical Engineering College: Daria Bazhova, Tatiana Golovina, Mikhail Zakurev, Vladimir Trofimov, Danil Chirkov and Vladislav Shchelkonogov.
Elena Bolotova also presented the Metafrax Awards to the young talents from Gremyachinsk – Maria Babkova, Arseniy Glushkov, Valeria Yeida, Nikita Dresvyannikov, Polina Fatkhutdinova, Victoria Pashkan, Natalia Pavlova, Sofia Bakhman, Andrey Gryazev and Daria Izhikova.
Also at the ceremony the honourable distinctions "Pride of the Perm Region" were awarded. According to the results of 2022, 5 young residents of the Gubakha's municipal district became the owners of these distinctions.
In the nomination "Physical culture and Sports", the award was presented to the pupils of the school No. 14 (New educational center) Bogdan Kamaev and Vladimir Suntsov, in the nomination "Culture and Art" - to the pupil of the school No. 14 (New educational center) Anna Petrova, in the nomination "Social activity" - to the pupil of the Gremyachinsk's Youth club Daria Izhikova, in the nomination "Intelligence" - to the pupil of the school No. 15 Andrey Bliznin.