Introduction to art

The exhibition "Inside the picture" in Perm was visited by more than 21 thousand spectators
The children's interactive exhibition "Inside the picture" has finished its performance in Perm. The exhibition was opened in December 2020 in the Perm Art Gallery and sparked great interest among Perm residents. During 65 days of work, 21 446 spectators visited the exhibition and 24 excursions and master classes were held.
"Inside the picture" is a joint educational project of "Metafrax" and the Perm Art Gallery. The exhibition was an organic continuation of the educational project "Chemistry of Painting". Both initiatives were implemented with personal participation of Seifeddin Rustamov, the majority shareholder of "Metafrax" PJSC.
After the completion of the performance in Perm, the exhibition "Inside the picture" "moves" to the Gubakha's Local History Museum. The exhibition will be available to visitors from March 17 to May 19, 2021.
The exhibition-journey "Inside the picture" was created specifically for children. The project authors tell children and adults about painting in a fascinating manner. All information is adapted for children's perception. The exhibition, which includes 13 original paintings from the gallery's collections, answers questions in an accessible way: what is contained in the artist's studio, which materials and tools do they use to create paintings, how and why has painting developed in different periods.
Visitors are assisted by a free guide with vivid illustrations and short stories about the paintings. The halls also display 4 episodes of the "Canvas, Oil" cartoon, created by museum teachers. Some items in the exhibition can be touched and even smelled. For example, tactile labels with pieces of painted canvas or with the smell of an old painting. Another "highlight" of the project is the opportunity to try your hand at creating a virtual painting.
- We invite citizens and guests of Gubakha to the exhibition. Come with your children – this project expands your horizons, awakens interest in creativity and sets you up to see the beauty around us. I think it is important that the exhibition was not only held in the regional center, but will also be available to residents of Kizel Coal Basin. Many thanks to the authors, organizers and all participants of the "Inside the picture" exhibition, thanks to whom this wonderful project was implemented, - noted Armen Garslyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Metafrax" PJSC.