Coherence and efficiency as a priority

On August 23-24, the strategic session of the Metafrax Group was held for the first time in Demidkovo (Dobryanka, Perm Region).
Top managers of the companies-members of Metafrax Group and functional heads of the departments, including representatives of the Group’s foreign assets, gathered for the corporate forum MetaTeamEvent.
Metafrax Group actively increases production turnover, enhances commercial activity, expands the geography of its presence. Therefore, the purpose of the strategy session was to improve the coordination of the group’s enterprises, including their long-term development plans.
The extensive agenda of the two-day event included presentations with an analysis of the activities of all companies, including those recently included in the Group - the Korean company SamyangMeta and the Engineering and Technology Center of Metafrax.
“To me it also was a kind of team building session which will improve the internal communication a lot,” – says Dr. Ralph Peter Theuer, Managing Director of Metadynea LLC (Austria). According to him, the strategy session gave a general overview of the Group, and it was possible to get a better understanding what the different group companies are doing and focusing on.
Maxim Batuev, General Director of Karbolit, agrees with him: "First, I saw and made acquaintance with all the executives; secondly, I got an understanding of the trends and the dynamics of the development of the Group, and third, the session allowed me to identify some bottlenecks and hotspots in general".
On the second day of the work, the participants of the strategic session discussed key aspects of the current and prospective activities of the GC Metafrax: industrial security, legal, financial, personnel and corporate issues, PR, branding, security issues.
According to Simon Vikhnin, Director of Legal Affairs of PJSC Metafrax, it is a very rare opportunity to gather such a wide representation of interested executives: "A unique opportunity for the management to hold meetings and discuss issues they usually do not have enough time for at official events. The key issue is feedback and concrete implementation of the proposals based on the results of the session."
Following the results of the strategic session, a decision was made to expand and improve the efficiency of commercial activities and budgeting, and to create an information and analytical system. Another notable part was the presentation of the project to create a single brand of the Group of companies. The decision to start the project was previously made by the Board of directors of PJSC Metafrax.
According to the General Director of PJSC Metafrax, Vladimir Daut, such forums will become regular for the coordination of general plans and full understanding of corporate goals: "In the future, we plan to hold such meetings in different territories with a program of joint meetings and round tables, as well as the involvement of outside experts."
The companies of the Group are faced with the tasks of preserving sustainable development rates, developing optimal mechanisms for making internal decisions, optimizing business processes and increasing efficiency. "We must solve all thorny issues and eliminate the problems of our interaction in order to solve common problems," said Armen Garslyan during the discussion. "All the issues that are not resolved here and today will be brought to the nearest meetings of the Board of directors, working groups and committees, they will be properly assessed and a clear procedure for further actions will be defined”. The next strategic session is planned to be convened in six months.
Closing the first outbound strategic session, the Chairman of the Board of directors underlined that the Group of companies is growing, and the coordination tasks are becoming more complicated. "Therefore, at the end of the meeting, we should work out a common methodology for solving organizational, legal, communicative and economic problems," – said Armen Garslian. "All our efforts are aimed at improving the efficiency of production activities and business processes."