Development priorities are outlined

The Board of Directors of the Management Company "Metafrax Group" has adopted the development program of Metafrax Chemicals, JSC, till 2027. The projected capital investments for this period reach 14 billion rubles. At the same time 2.3 billion rubles are expected to be provided for 2024.
The program of technical modernization, reconstruction and development of Metafrax Chemicals, JSC, provides for the implementation of projects for the reconstruction of the existing and construction of new production facilities, as well as auxiliary facilities, modernization of existing production facilities and acquisition of fixed assets.
A significant amount of priority work is planned to be carried out at the facilities of the AUM Complex. In particular, it is planned to re-equip the pressure swing absorption unit (PSA). The project provides for the installation of a heat exchanger for cooling the purge gas, produced in methanol plant. This will reduce the purge gas temperature to 35 ° C to increase the efficiency of the unit. In addition, it is planned to install a tiered storage system of melamine in a warehouse, which will increase its capacity to 1.5 thousand tons, and to install the urea shipment station in big bags, aimed at expanding the scope of urea consumption, including its using in agriculture.
Another priority area of work includes the measures to improve the operation of methanol production plantfor theintegration with the AUM Complex. The priorities also include technical modernization and replacement of a number of sections of water pipelines, the construction of a cryogenic air separation unit with an additional compressor and dehumidification, to provide the company's workshops with gaseous nitrogen and dehumidified air, taking into account the start-up of the AUM Complex.
Among the priority measures, it is also planned to purchase two new diesel locomotives of the TEM18DM series as part of the renewal of the locomotive fleet, two new buses for personnel transportation, a KATO SR 300 truck crane or the similar onewith the lifting capacity of 30 tons and a boom length of 30 meters, as well as spare rotors for compressors and pumps of the AUM complex, the formation of a technically necessary reserve.
The Board of Directors of the Management Company "Metafrax Group" recommended the Company to include priority projects in the investment budget of 2024 and submit the investment budgets of these projects for approval by the management bodies of Metafrax Chemicals, JSC.
The Board of Directors also reviewed the projects for the development of the road and railway infrastructure of the enterprise, the technical modernization of the crystallization unit for the sodium formate production, the construction of the loading/unloading rack at the shipment unit of the aldehyde frost-resistant solution, increasing the capacity and efficiency of the treatment facilities, providing of public (urban) improvements andnumber of other projects.