"Rostechnadzor" stated on the AUM Complex: "The works are completed in full scope"

The West-Urals Department of Rostechnadzor announced the issuance of an conclusion on the compliance of the objects of the AUM Complex with the design requirements.
In March 2023 the specialists of the supervisory authority carried out works on construction supervision in relation to the capital construction object- the Ammonia-Urea-Melamine Complex (AUM) of Metafrax Chemicals, JSC, in Gubakha, Perm Region.
As was stated by the authority "the works are completed in full scope, no violations of mandatory requirements have been identified." The authority issued conclusions on the compliance of the constructed capital construction objects with the requirements of the project documentation.
The project for the construction of the AUM Metafrax Complex started in 2017, the putting of the new production facilities in operation will take place in 2023. As a result, the Company will establish a technologically interconnected Complex for the production of ammonia, urea and melamine with a design capacity of 500 thousand tons per year for urea, 298 thousand tons per year for ammonia and 40 thousand tons for melamine.
The difference of the new production from the classical ammonia synthesis scheme is that it operates on pure gases, there is no steam reforming. The plant operates on pure hydrogen and pure nitrogen. Thus, a significant environmental effect is achieved: direct carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere are reduced by half due to the creation of a CO2 recovery unit. The urea production plant is designed as an integration of the production of prilled urea and the technological chain, interconnected with the production of melamine. The waste gases of melamine production are returned to the urea plant. The AUM Complex includes the new treatment units, so that the waste water, generated by the production, does not load the treatment units, operating at the enterprise.