Seyfeddin Rustamov: High-tech companies that have their finger on the pulse of time and adjust to current realities can develop in this situation

Seyfeddin Rustamov, majority shareholder of Metafrax, took part in a special project Brand "New World. Reinvented". The research was conducted by the multichannel branding agency Electric Brand Consultants together with the visual communications studio Presium. The work is dedicated to trends that have consistently changed our world over the past decades.
The most important part of the project was a survey of more than 500 entrepreneurs and professionals engaged in key industries for today's economy, as well as interviews with a number of thinkers and experts from various fields, including scientists, bloggers, athletes and artists. Among them, for example, are actors Tom Hanks and Charlize Theron.
The full report on the study can be found at: And we present Seyfeddin Rustamov's interview, given as part of the "New World. Reinvented”:
- The pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to entrepreneurship and the business community. Now is the time when you either pull ahead or sink.
The gap between strong and weak players in the market is growing at the speed of light. So now, more than ever, you need to pull yourself together and move forward.
On the whole, the business environment was not ready for the crisis. It is quite difficult to predict today which other production chains will be at risk of rupture, as everything depends on which countries and regions will see new outbreaks of COVID-19 in the near future.
Most likely, however, this crisis will not be as long and deep as the financial crisis of 2008-2009. In anticipation of a new economic collapse, the world is preparing for the past crisis every time. Today it is clear that the financial and banking systems of the world's major economies are much more resilient than they were before 2008.
High-tech companies that have their finger on the pulse of time and adjust to current realities can develop in this situation. If we look at our industry, we have to produce today what we did not produce yesterday. At the start of the pandemic, we at Metafrax evaluated our strengths, formed a series of anti-crisis measures, and rose to the challenge. Despite difficult conditions, we are holding our own and we try to do everything in our power to keep the industry stable.
The pandemic will definitely have an impact on people and their relationships. So far, it's hard to say exactly how, because the crisis is not over. We are living it now, and the situation is changing daily. Now more than ever it is important to be flexible and adjust to the slightest change in the situation. Today, the preservation of production and business depends on the speed of decision-making and their targeting.
Values will definitely change. For several months, we lived in self-isolation, tried to limit ourselves as much as possible in personal meetings and to solve important questions remotely. This is a serious test.
In conditions where you spend more time alone with yourself than in society, the intangible comes into the picture.
But these months have not only been a time of reflection, but also a time of active action. Life hasn't stopped, businesses haven't stopped. We are doing everything we can to keep our companies running, to keep people, relationships, and resources intact. During these three months, we have learned to work in difficult conditions. The most important thing is that we must not stop production and development plans.
To be in demand in the future, you need to learn information technology, more technological methods of communication, with the help of which you can work with information faster, more accurately and more efficiently. For example, high technology helps to automate the processing of information from production facilities with less physical effort and in a shorter time. This contributes to more effective business management.
The leaders of the future first and foremost need psychological stability; a willingness to sacrifice themselves, their time, their interests, but not their morals... To sacrifice for the sake of the company, the city, the region, the country.
Work hard. It is impossible to live well and work little at that. In modern conditions, it is necessary to work even more. And the main thing is to treat the work responsibly.