Synthesis of education and production

Students of the Ural Chemical Technology College (UCTC) took all the winning places in the "Repair of process equipment of chemical industries" competence at the eighth open championship "Young professionals" by WorldSkills Russia of Perm region. Stepan Volegov won the "gold", Danil Chirkov took the second place and Nikita Solovyov took the third.
At the closing ceremony of the championship, Rashid Shakirov, the Deputy Director General of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC for Personnel and Social Affairs, presented gifts from the company to the winners.
During the competitions, students demonstrated their knowledge and skills in troubleshooting for pumping equipment, detection of defects for gear pumps and sketching of a working part. This year, a new module appeared in the competence - "Troubleshooting of valves and flange connections". Three new work stands for this module were prepared by employees of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC.
According to Alexey Nazarov, the director of UCTC, it is planned to expand the specialized competence centre, on the basis of which the regional championship is held.
- Currently our specialized competence centre site is designed for three workplaces, we want to expand it to five. We have approved our plans with the Regional Ministry of Education and Science and our social partner, "Metafrax Chemicals", - said Alexey Nazarov. - It is also planned to open the "Skills of the wise" nomination in the competence "Repair of process equipment of chemical industries" at our site.
The head of the college explained that the expansion of the competence centre site will allow to not only hold regional championships, but also hold certifications in the format of demonstration exams for future repairmen and unit operators. During this year, it is also planned to open a chemical laboratory at UCTC for 7 workplaces by September 1st for conducting demonstration exams for the "Laboratory assistant of chemical analysis" module.
- Funds have been allocated from the regional budget for the repair of the premises and "Metafrax" will provide funds for laboratory equipment. Many thanks to "Metafrax", since without the support of the company we would not have been able to implement all our plans, - noted Alexey Nazarov.
UCTC students also took part in the WorldSkills Championship at other sites. Evgeny Snigirev, a student of the "Chemical Technology of organic substances" group, who took the third place last year, brought "gold" from Solikamsk this time in the "Unit operator of chemical technologies" competence. The best unit operator of the region is already working at "Metafrax" in the pentaerythritol plant.
This year, Lyudmila Parshakova, a college teacher, brought "silver" from the championship in the "Laboratory chemical analysis" competence in the "Skills of the wise" category. Vladimir Belozerov, a student of UCTC, competed in Berezniki in the "Industrial mechanics and installation" competence and became the "bronze" winner.
The winners of the regional stage will take part in qualifying competitions for the right to reach the final of the X National Championship "Young Professionals" WorldSkills Russia 2022.
- Cooperation between a company and a college is an example of an effective partnership between an employer and a professional educational institution. We are working as a team. UCTC takes into account the real requirements of the time period when training specialists, and "Metafrax", in turn, is involved in the college activities to the fullest. This is also confirmed by the WorldSkills regional championships, when the company assists in the preparation of training equipment, and its employees act as mentors and experts, - noted Armen Garslyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC.
In 2022, Metafrax Chemicals plans to invest more than 7 million rubles in the development of UCTC. In particular, 5.3 million rubles will be allocated for equipment for the newly created laboratory of analytical chemistry, funds are foreseen for the implementation of the "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances" program for 3-4-year students of the "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances" course, within which teachers of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU) conduct classes with college students, as well as for scholarships and organization of training and competitive events.