School of sustainable development

"Metafrax Group" acted as a partner of the summer school project for students.
In 2023, Perm State National Research University (PSNRU) will organise a summer school titled "Management of sustainable development in industrial municipal territories of Ural: people, communities, business and government". The project is dedicated to the practice of interdisciplinary research of social, economic, socio-cultural and political-managerial processes in municipalities with an industrial type of development. "Metafrax Chemicals" JSC and administration of Gubakha Municipal District acted as partners of the summer school.
The school will be held in two stages. The first one includes lectures, workshops and brainstorming meetings, which will be held at PSNRU in May–June of 2023. During these classes, key issues of sustainable development and the methods of urban community research will be discussed in terms of different disciplines: history, geography, economics, sociology, ecology, political and managerial science. The audience of the school will come together in interdisciplinary "teams" that will collect empirical data on selected territories and systematize them in profiles.
As part of the second stage, which will be held on June 24th-30th, the school participants will conduct practical research in Gubakha, Kizel and Gremyachinsk by using expert interviews, involved observation, guided tours and data analysis. Discussion and comprehension of the gained experience and results are expected at the end of each workday.
PSNRU students of all education levels are invited to participate in the summer school. Detailed information on the participation conditions can be found on the university's website.
"Metafrax Group" systematically supports a number of educational and scientific projects of various levels within the territories of its presence, and, therefore, opens new opportunities for students and schoolchildren. One of the areas of work is cooperation with higher educational institutions. Employees of the holding analyse the curriculum in terms of application, give lectures to students, hold master classes and give tours to the enterprises of "Metafrax Group", form research teams and laboratories. Other areas of joint work involve attracting investments in R&D of university industry developments and conducting research at the premises of the university.