Social security is a priority

On December 18th, the company and the trade union of Metafrax Chemicals signed an updated collective agreement. The document defines new support measures for the company's employees.
The collective agreement was approved by Albert Khudaibirdin, Managing Director for Production, and Aleksandr Grom, Chairman of the primary trade union.The agreement will enter into force on January 1st, 2025 and will be valid for one year.
The collective agreement has preserved the previously developed benefits package. The document takes into account the main social securities and benefits: medical care, rehabilitation and recreation of employees and their children, salary indexation, incentives and compensations, work with youth and veterans of the enterprise, and organization of moral support activities. Special attention was paid to ensure safe and comfortable working conditions.
Among the novelties of the agreement is partial compensation for the attendance costs of classes and clubs at cultural and sports institutions for the children of employees. In addition, starting from the beginning of 2025, travel to and from work on the company's buses will be free for employees.
The signing of the collective agreement took place during the trade union conference. Aleksandr Grom spoke about the results of the organization's work for this year. He noted that the work of the trade union committee was aimed at increasing the size of the organization, protecting the social and labour rights of employees, implementing measures to ensure safe and comfortable working conditions, and fulfilling the clauses of the company's collective agreement.
- As of today, there are 815 members; the increase amounted to 8% this year. Representatives of the trade union occupy 30% of the total staff composition at the company and our task is to increase this number, - noted Aleksandr Grom.
During this year, with the participation of the trade union, it was possible to resolve the issue of lighting at the bus stop near the water supply and disposal workshop, increase the number of buses purchased for transportation of workers, change the canteen schedule at the "Ammonia-Urea-Melamine" complex, improve the quality of work-wear treatment, adjust the value of coupons for restorative and preventive nutrition, and adjust the bus schedule.
New benefits have been introduced for trade union members. Starting this year, the Ural Bouquet corporate recreation centre shall provide a 30% discount for all trade union members of the company. Trade union members can make a discounted visit to the swimming pools at the ski resort and the Gubakhinsky sports complex, to the gyms of the Ring and Rus sports clubs, and to the Dominanta chamber theatre. The members of the trade union have been given a discount on the purchase of an apartment from the company – 5% on the initial payment and 2% on the total cost of the apartment. The registration of discount cards under the "Trade Union Discount" program continues. The trade union provides financial assistance during the year; in 2024, the costs amounted to 232 thousand rubles.
At the end of the conference, Albert Khudaibirdin, Managing Director for Production, summed up the results of the company's work during this year and outlined production and investment objectives for the next one. While signing the new collective agreement, the manager noted that our collective agreement is one of the best ones, not only among the companies belonging to the Ruschem holding, but also among many enterprises in the industry.