During investment forum “Russia calling!” Metafrax top management had a meeting with investors and analysts

The 4th annual investment forum "Russia calling" by VTB Capital took place in Moscow early in October. President of Russia Vladimir Putin was active during plenary meetings. The strategic priorities of the nation development in time of global economic market changes were discussed during forum including formation of the common economic space and participation in WTO.
The investment forum of VTB Capital happens every year since 2009. It is considered to be of the main events on the international investment market improving the dialogue between Russian business and international investors and attracting the investments to the Russian economy.
Metafrax was presented at the forum by the chairman of the board of directors Armen Garslyan.
- We are integrated into the economic space of the country and the world as a large industrial player. The changes in the global markets affect the most of business community representatives, including Metafrax as a large exporter.
During the forum the top management of the chemical company had a meeting with representatives of the investment company VTB Capital.
- We spoke about seeking of strategic partners - banks, investment companies for implementation of our large projects, - comments Armen Garslyan.
- During our meeting the VTB Capital representatives confirmed their readiness to finance our short term investment projects including export deliveries of the new European equipment. Besides in future the investment company can finance our large projects amounting to $500-600 mil.
Our proposal for the Metafrax shareholders' general meeting on October, 29 will be to pay intermediate dividends of 3,1 rubles for the ordinary share with nominal 1 ruble as a result of stable position during 9 months of operation. So the total amount of the payment may exceed 1 billion rubles. As a result of 2011 Metafrax increased dividends by 42,9% and paid out 0,5 rubles per share.
In 2012 Metafrax finance results are strong. In the 1st half of the year the company increased net profit by 2,3 times from the last year up to 1,314 billion rubles.
According to the chairman of the board of directors in 2012 the company plans to get over 2 billion rubles of profit as per RSBU that will be 1,6 higher than in 2011 (1,256 bil.), revenue - more than 10 billion (in 2011 - 9,121 bil).