Improved the results and brought medals

The team of the Metafrax Chemicals PJSC presented the Perm Region at the festival of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” Norm.
All-Russian festival of the physical culture and sports complex of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” Norm among labor collectives was held on May 15-20, in Yekaterinburg. Being the winners of the all-around of the “Ready for labor and defense” Norm of the Spartakiad of Workers of the Perm Region in 2022, the team of the Metafrax Chemicals PJSC represented the Perm Region at the All-Russian stage of the festival. Team members are athletes, who have achieved high results and fulfilled the standards of the “Ready for labor and defense” Norm, namely: Timur Kijamov, Natalja Berezina, Andrej Kolchin, Anastasija Surenkova, Maria Boitsova, Denis Kazakov, Natalia Fjodorova, Oleg Vakhitov.
In total, 350 people aged 25 to 59 took part in the competition. 42 teams from all over the country had to overcome the following challenges: raising the body from the supine position, pulling up from the hanging on the low bar 90 cm (for women) and pulling up from the high bar on the high bar / snatch of 16 kg kettlebell (for men); arm-pumping exercises in the probe drop on the floor; toe touch from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench; shooting from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table, a distance of 10 m from an electronic weapon / air rifle with an open sight; running for 2000, 3000 m; relay race of the “Ready for labor and defense” Norm.
In a tense struggle, when every team wanted to demonstrate the highest sports results, the team of the Metafrax Chemicals PJSC managed to improve the result of the previous year by 108 points. The 13th place among 42 teams – that is the result according to the results of the competition. An additional type of challenge was swimming, in which the Gubakha team won the first team place. Under the leadership of Rishat Ishmanov and Minkhat Kharisov, the team reached new heights. Employees of the Metafrax Chemicals PJSC brought medals received in the individual competition:
Oleg Vakhitov – «gold» in chinning, medal for the third place in the individual competition in the all-around “Ready for labor and defense” Norm;
Natalia Fjodorova – first place in the 2-km race.
Prize places were taken by:
Andrej Kolchin – second place in swimming;
Denis Kazakov – third place in swimming;
Oleg Vakhitov – third place in swimming;
The final of the competition was the exciting relay race of the “Ready for labor and defense” Norm. The team of the Metafrax Chemicals PJSC, having won their race, entered the top ten teams in the country in this event. Athletes shared their impressions.
– This is not the first time, when our team visited the All-Russian festival. All the guys are proven, it gives confidence in our abilities. But when you see rivals who came to compete with you from different parts of the country, buck fever begins. At such moments you realize again the importance and level of the event. Also I would like to highlight the first medals of our guys. In any case, awards of the All-Russian level are a great achievement. Thanks to the festival we managed to improve the team's last year's result and feel once again the support of our nearest ones, fans and management, that is especially valuable in our time - said the captain of the team, Denis Kazakov, the operator of conversion unit.
– We have positive impressions on this event. The organization is excellent, the judges are highly qualified, the sports complex and equipment are specialized. It is an honor to take part in competitions of this level and scale. But it is, of course, difficult for us, sports fans, to compete on an equal level with athletes and sports organizations. But we tried, fought and, on my opinion, we showed worthy results! Almost all participants have improved their personal results in many kinds of sport in the “Ready for labor and defense race” Norm in comparison with the regional competitions in Perm and last year's all-Russian competitions in Ufa. Me, too, - added Mrs. Natalya Fedorova, career guidance specialist.
The team members expressed their gratitude to the management of the Metafrax Chemicals PJSC and personally to Mr. Rashid Shakirov, to the Ministry of Sports of the Perm Region for their assistance in organizing of a visit to the festival.