Enhanced cross-functional interaction

A working session of representatives of the two leading functions of the enterprise – the commercial direction and production - was held at Metadynea. The event refers to a general set of measures to strengthen cross-functional interaction of activities within the Company.
The work was attended by delegates of Metadynea from the divisions in Moscow, Orekhovo-Zuevo and Gubakha. The program of the event consisted of a visit to the laboratory in the village of Davydovo, as well as a working session at the Company's production site in Orekhovo-Zuevo.
The event began with a visit to the laboratory, where the newly formed team of the Metadynea Research and Development Center is currently working on solving operational production tasks. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize colleagues with the current status of research and development (R&D) projects. The head of the Center, Sergey Ivanov, spoke about the technical capabilities and the plan for further development of the Center in the context of changing market conditions and the increasing need for domestic scientific capacities, including tasks of testing product samples.it was noted that one of the advantages of the existing Center,isitslocationclose to production sites, the ability to test and implement new solutions and proposals.
- The Center's activitiesinclude thegrowth points that are in demand for the market. Among other things, it is the rapid transfer of the results of laboratory experiments to industrial production, the potential for the development and introduction of new products, as well as the interaction of the laboratory of the Center with our technical specialists in the frames of customer support in the application of resins in production, - said Sergey Ivanov.
The session continued its work at the Metadynea site in Orekhovo-Zuevo. The Company's top management reviewed the reports of the Company's leading specialists on limiting factors and development opportunities.
Representatives of the commercial sector, among other things, emphasized the above-mentioned importance of bringing the Research and Development Center to full capacity both to maintain the Company's leading position in the market and for a relevant response to the recovery of demand and an increase in demand for resins, includingthe expanding its own product line.
- Our current task is to ensure guaranteed quality of shipped products, – shared the details of the discussion Andrey Kubasov, Commercial Director of the Company. – Today we managed to discuss topical issues with colleagues, clarify a common vision and have already come to the first decisions.
The topic of possible growth points in the Company's production line became the main topic in the second part of the session.
- An important factor for our customers is the stability of product shipments. In the current reality, it is particularly sensitive to how optimized the production processes are.In this regardmy colleaguesofthe production area and Isee certain opportunities for improvement. I think,that fact that we were able to discuss them in such an open format,will serve as a basis for further actions and decisions," concluded Vyacheslav Zhdanov, Director for Production.
During the discussion it was highlighted the demand for increasing the capacity of tank farmof finished products, as well as optimizing the production of various types of resin both in terms of technological support of equipment and support for automation of production systems. These topics were also raised during the presentation of the delegation of specialists from the Company's branch in Gubakha, headed by the director of the branch Denis Gutauskas. Igor Spassky, Managing Director of Metadynea, commented on the results of the meeting:
- The value of our Company is the team, it is important for colleagues to remain involved in the current processes of related areas. Due to covid and other events, we were not able for some timetoimplementin full scope thecross-functional interaction programs, but now we are resuming practice. We try to keep production issues open to our commercial colleagues, encourage their participation in solving current tasks, including to ensure prompt information to our partners and maintain the quality of our products.