We increase the register of donors

Since the beginning of 2023, 520 people have joined the Vasya Perevoshchikov National Register of Bone Marrow Donors in Perm Region as part of the "Mind Donation" project.
"Mind Donation" is a project of the "Dedmorozim" charity fund aimed at attracting donors to the Vasya Perevoshchikov National Register of Bone Marrow Donors in the Perm Region. Since 2018, the project partner is Metafrax Group.
Bone marrow donation is the last chance of recovery for children and adults with leukemia when other therapies are powerless. Many people do not even suspect that they can save someone's life. The fact is that everyone has a genetic twin – a person with the same genetic code. And if a blood cancer develops by this person, only a genetic twin can help him. Doctors can find such a twin if he has entered the register of potential donors.
The "Dedmorozim" fund, together with its partners, is working to increase the number of donors in the register. In order to draw attention to the problem of donation, since the beginning of this year, 17 charity events have been held at workplaces, universities, and sports events, which significantly exceeded the number of events compared to the similar time periods in the past. For example, for the first time the action was held this spring in the shopping and entertainment center iMall Esplanade. Also, employees and volunteers of the fund held donor actions at the events "Race of the Russian Federation" and "Top of the hill" in the Tchaikovsky town.
Totally, 520 people from the Perm Region have joined the National Register since the beginning of 2023. Speaking of the corporate environment, employees of industrial enterprises, banks, and IT companies have joined the register.
Since 2018, Metafrax has been helping Permians to join the National Register. More than 5,500 people from different parts of the Kama Region have already become potential donors.
Read more about how to become a bone marrow donor on the "Dedmorozim" website: https://dedmorozim.ru/lekarstvo