Good luck on the road of knowledge!

Representatives of the "Metafrax Chemicals" Company congratulated schoolchildren and students, teachers and parents on the Day of Knowledge at the opening exercises.
This year, almost 200 first-year students gathered for the opening exercises of the Urals Chemical Technological College – future chemists, laboratory assistants, adjusters, welders, instrumentation specialists, cooks. Konstantin Anufriev, Director for Organizational and HR policy at Metafrax Chemicals JSC, congratulated the students on the beginning of their student life.
- On behalf of the staff of our company, I congratulate you on the beginning of the professional academic year. For senior students, this is the final year, first year students will get acquainted with the college and their chosen profession. We will be happy to accept you for an work experience internship and, of course, after graduating from college, we are waiting for you in our Company," - said the manager.
Metafrax supported the college in the implementation of the federal project "Professionalitet", becoming a basic employer. A year later, after the opening of the chemical cluster on the basis of the Urals Chemical Technological College, the popularity of the college grew, and the geography of applicants expanded. As noted Yulia Galimova, Deputy Director of the College for Academic Affairs in her congratulation, the average score of applicants' certificates is also growing every year. According to the established good tradition, the applicant with the highest average score of the certificate is entitled at the opening exercises on the Day of Knowledge to make the first call. This year, Elizaveta Eliseeva, a first-year student of the group for chemical technology of organic chemicals, had such an opportunity.
Metafrax Chemicals conducts systematic work on employee training in the frames of the corporate ongoing education program "school-vocational education institution-enterprise". The children feel the support of chemists starting from elementary school. Congratulating the boys and girls of Gubakha's elementary school No. 1, the HR division head of the enterprise, Larisa Mamayeva, handed bright pencil cases with necessary school supplies to all first-grade pupils. Metafrax has been following this good tradition for two decades now. All first–grade pupils of the of Kizel coal basin area - Gubakha, Kizel and Gremyachinsk annually receive the pencil cases. Almost 600 first-grade pupils have received the gifts this year.
Сongratulating the pupils of the New Gubakha's Educational Center, Andrei Eremeev, Technical Director of Metafrax Chemicals, noted the Company's long-term successful partnership with the school. Today, with the support of the Company, several technological classes function in the New Educational Center, and last year a specialized "Metafrax class" was opened, the program of which includes in-depth study of chemistry, physics and mathematics, as well as preparation for the Unified State Exam in these subjects.
- I wish all the pupils to enter this academic year in a good mood, with an inexhaustible urge and motivation for knowledge. Special thanks to the teachers who put their soul into the students and motivate them. Metafrax has always been and remains a socially responsible Company, ready to participate in the life of the town and the school. On behalf of the Company's management and myself, I congratulate all the pupils on the Day of Knowledge," - addressed Andrei Eremeev to the students.
Dmitry Kuryshev, the chief electrical engineer of the Company, congratulated teachers and students of еру Kizel Polytechnic College on the holiday, wishing the Сompany and the college strong and productive cooperation in the coming academic year.