For the first time in its history “Metafrax Trading” awarded “Leaders of the Year”

LLC “Metafrax Trading” summarized results of the first corporative competition “Leader of the Year”. Its aim is the initiative support and creation of condition for employee career growth.
Candidates were chosen by decision of company department organizations. Totally, 26 nominees were nominated in 5 categories. The winner among managers in “Manager” nomination became Margarita Belyakova, Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs Department. In the nomination “Valuable employee”, where the professional activity, constant work results and initiative are under evaluation, won Yulia Trekova, Leading HR specialist.
The winner in the nomination “Sympathy of the Year” chosen by voting among all company employees became Olga Volegova, Financial Department specialist.
In the nomination “Limitless resource” for those employees, who combine a professional and public activity, won Natalya Lyatambur, Leading specialist of staff recruitment and development.
In the nomination, “Breakthrough of the Year” for young employees the winner became Angelina Lesenchuk, Leading counsel for Legal and Corporate Affairs.
The award ceremony was held on the 28th of December. Prizes such as diplomas and valuable prizes for the best employees were presented by Armen Garslyan, Chairman of the Board of PJSC Metafrax, Oleg Mamaev, CEO of LLC “Metafrax Trading” and other managers of “Metafrax Group”