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A Contract Examination Center of JSC Ruschem will be established in Perm

A Contract Examination Center of JSC Ruschem will be established in Perm

A conference of the legal service of JSC Metafrax Chemicals was held in Perm, attended by lawyers from such companies as Metadynea LLC, MetaTransStroy LLC, JSC Karbolit, as well as employees of the managing organization JSC Ruschem.

In his opening statement, Simon Vikhnin, Director of Legal Affairs at JSC Metafrax Chemicals, noted the importance of such meetings, which allow lawyers to share experiences, be in a unified information field and establish communication between the company's divisions.

New lawyers who have joined the legal service team in recent months were introduced at the beginning of the conference. The organizers also noted the merits of Yelena Novikova, Deputy Head of the legal department of JSC Metafrax Chemicals, who celebrates the 20th anniversary of her work at the enterprise this year.

Vyacheslav Osinovskikh, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs, spoke about the creation of the Contract Examination Center of JSC Ruschem in Perm, which will provide legal support for the contractual work of all asset enterprises belonging to the JSC Ruschem’s group. It’s planned that by 2025, employees of the contract department of Metafrax Chemicals will also move to the Center, which will effectively combine the expertise and competencies of specialists to solve comprehensive legal problems.

The meeting participants discussed the use of machine-readable powers of attorney (MPA), the problems of using artificial intelligence in law, legislative innovations in the field of environmental safety control ("Usolsky Law"), aspects of the use of cryptocurrency in civil circulation, as well as current changes in corporate legislation. The reports provoked vivid discussions among the participants, which indicates the significant interest and relevance of the reports.

A separate report was dedicated to the analysis of cases on the legal support of settlements by enterprises with foreign counterparties. A report was also presented on the demarcation of responsibility between the trial and claims work department and the legal department of JSC Metafrax Chemicals.

The topics of the reports presented at the conference are markedly diverse: from the analysis of purely theoretical issues to a review of specific cases that happened in the practice of lawyers, the best practices of interaction between lawyers of various fields and locations.

The results of the conference were summarized by Simon Vikhnin, Director of Legal Affairs at JSC Metafrax Chemicals, who thanked his colleagues for interesting reports and noted the need to hold similar events in the future.

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