The All-Russian "Paraformaldehyde 2023" conference has started its work in Perm

Aleksey Chibisov, the Deputy Chairman of the Government and Minister of Industry and Trade of the Perm region, and Armen Garslyan, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Metafrax Group", addressed the participants of the event with an opening speech.
In his speech, the top manager of "Metafrax Group" noted that conference participation is important not only for paraformaldehyde producers and traders, but also for representatives of the regional government, supervisory authorities, scientists and practitioners - consumers of this product.
- Paraformaldehyde is a valuable innovative product for the domestic industry, - highlighted Armen Garslyan. - It is a high-quality and easy-to-transport formaldehyde substitute. There are great opportunities for its further processing using various technologies as well. We see huge niches for the use of paraformaldehyde in agriculture for the production of herbicides, antiseptics in animal husbandry and many other purposes. The expansion of the possibilities of its use can provide an impact for the creation of new production facilities and development of existing ones, and, therefore, for the creation of new jobs and improvement of the quality of agricultural products in our country.
In his opening speech, the Deputy Chairman of the Government drew attention to the fact that the conference participants have the opportunity to get first-hand information not only for a specific product – paraformaldehyde, but also in general - what products are manufactured by "Metafrax", where can they be used and what are the conditions for their use.
- It is important that potential and existing consumers of products know what volumes exist, what conditions there are, what these products are used for, - stated Aleksey Chibisov. – Ultimately, this contributes to an increase in overall economic efficiency. For the manufacturer - this is an increase in sales volumes, for the Perm region – this is preservation and increase of the number of jobs as well as the receipt of taxes to the budget.
Trends in the global and Russian paraformaldehyde markets, its production technologies as well as new opportunities in familiar application areas are being discussed as part of the conference. A separate meeting will be dedicated to the use of paraformaldehyde in the agro-industrial complex.
Live broadcast – at the conference website:link
and on YouTube: link