A new polyclinic has been opened in the Ugolguralsky village

A new polyclinic for 120 visits per shift has been put into operation in the Ugolguralsky village, Gubakha's municipal district. The facility is a branch of the municipal clinical hospital No. 4.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the polyclinic, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region, First Deputy Secretary of the regional branch of the "Edinaja Rossia" Party, Armen Garslyan noted that this is a long-awaited event for the residents of the village, at whose request this socially significant facility was erected.
- Another important step has been taken in the development of the healthcare system of the Kizel coal basin. The potential of our medical institutions is growing every year. This became possible only thanks to the interest and constant attention from authorities at all levels," highlighted Armen Garslyan. - Our priority, defined by the President of the country - to save the people of Russia for generations to come – remains unchanged. There is still a lot of work ahead, and it will definitely be continued.
The polyclinic was built as part of the targeted investment program of the Perm Region and federal co-financing under the program "Modernization of primary health care", which is part of the national project "Healthcare" initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
- Last year, 10 large healthcare facilities were put into operation in the Perm Region. In 2024, this is the first facility, and several more facilities will be completed in the near future. This indicates the serious attention of the Governor of the Perm Region and the government of the region to healthcare," said Anastasia Kruten', Minister of Health of the Perm Region. - I think that the industry itself should respond with a large influx of medical personnel and an improvement in the quality of medical care. We will try our best.
The new building of the medical institution is located at 2nd Kommunisticheskaya Street, 74 . It replaced two dilapidated buildings built in the 1950s. The total area of the facility is about 2 thousand square meters. All rooms, as well as the infrastructure adjacent to the building, are designed with convenience for mothers with strollers and people with disabilities.
- This project fits exactly into the ideology of the development of the fourth municipal clinical hospital – it is the most comfortable conditions for patients and convenience of work for staff, - said the chief physician of the Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 4 Andrey Ronzin.
The polyclinic has offices for primary care physicians, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a medical treatment room, a pre-medical room, an emergency room, a functional diagnostics room (ECG, spirography), a physiotherapy department of the polyclinic, a massage room, a biological material collection room. The medical facility will also serve for children. There are offices of pediatric physicians, a medical treatment room, an inoculation room, an office for the issuance of milk mixtures.
- The key to the successful implementation of projects, including in the field of healthcare, is to combine the efforts of government authorities and deputies at all levels, business, and the urban community to address topical issues identified by residents. Acting together, we are achieving significant results, such as the polyclinic, put into operation today," said Maria Konovalova, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kama Region, Director of Strategic Communications at Metafrax Group.