First time at the market

Metafrax Trading International (MFTI) became the first company at the European market to supply methanol from Rotterdam to the European Union in transit status (T1).
The uniqueness of the delivery lies in the fact that almost all recipients of methanol in the EU have the ability to receive customs-cleared goods, which are in free circulation (T2), but some consumers do not have such an opportunity, which became apparent at the time of the consecutive delivery. MFTI held negotiations with partners and as a result, the company managed to replace the existing customs-cleared product with new arrivals, keep it in transit status (T1) and re-export it to one of the Eastern European clients.
"We have to thank our partners who helped us in this difficult situation", - comments Vasily Mikhailov, a MFTI trader. Despite the complexity of the issue, after a number of numerous discussions and approvals, a new procedure was developed and the re-export process was properly regulated.
"Metafrax" has once again confirmed its status as a reliable supplier that finds creative solutions in difficult situations at the market", - concludes Mr. Mikhailov.
Metafrax Trading International is a subsidiary trading company of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC as well as part of the Metafrax Group. The company trades in chemical products - methanol, hexamine, pentaerythritol, dipentaerythritol and others. The transhipment of products is carried out in the countries of European Union: methanol - in Finland, hexamine and pentaerythritol - in Poland, pentaerythritol - in the Netherlands. The company's headquarters are located in Lugano (Switzerland). The company's revenue in 2020 is estimated at 122 million euros.
The T1 status is for transit (bonded) goods that are not subject to free circulation within the territory of the European Union. The T2 status is for goods that are customs-cleared in the EU and are in free circulation.