The exhibition “Ethereal beauty” in Perm was visited by 57 thousand people

In the Perm state art gallery (PSAG) has ended the children's interactive exhibition “Ethereal beauty”. It is a third exhibition under the joint art and educational project “Chemistry of Art”, which was created by “Metafrax Group” and PSAG for children. The project is being implemented with the support of the beneficial owner of PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” Seyfeddin Roustamov.
During 170 days the exhibition was attended by 57 thousand people. More than 50 events were organized for adults and children: excursions, workshops and lectures. After finishing exposition in Perm the exhibition “Ethereal beauty” “moves” to Gubakha town museum of local history. The exhibition will be available for visitors from 30 November 2021 till 30 January 2022.
“Ethereal beauty” exhibition was attended by adults and children not only from Perm and Perm region, but from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kirov, Nizhniy Tagil, Tyumen, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa.
“The exhibition I went to Perm for. Now I want it to be presented in Moscow. Not the most childish of topics: church sculpture and icon-painting. In each module you can see, how much thought was given to it, formulated it, and searched for visual techniques”, shared her impressions Vera Yarilina, project officer of “Children's Tsaritsyno” (Moscow). “Exhibition is compact, child-sized. It is made for a parent to figure out by itself, without guidance. And it works”.
In the reviews for exhibition, the parents highlight thoughtfulness and depth of the project, clarity and possibilities of direct interaction for children with art.
In the middle of December under the joint project it is planned to open a new exhibition “Black and white inquiry”:
“We together with the partners in fourth part of the project will tell about print graphics and continue to immerse the child in the "looking glass" of the creative process, helping it to make art its conversation partner”, told the advisor of PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” Board of Directors chairman Maria Konovalova. “Now with the colleagues from the gallery we consider the projects for the next anniversary year for the gallery”.
The exhibition “Ethereal beauty” presents for children the items of the Old Russian art – originals from the gallery holdings - icons and Perm wooden sculpture. These are the items, which had an important function - the "earthly" means depicted the harmonious world invisible to man.
The gallery employees during excursions and workshops provided the young viewers with the “keys” and tips to understand complicated figurative language of the icon. It was also possible to visit the exhibition via the web-site of PSAG as well by a virtual tour.
In September 2021 the project “Chemistry of art” became one of the ten winners of the All-Russian professional competition for children and family museum programs. Total 91 applications were received for the competition from 31 regions of Russia.