Tasks with Olympic "highlight"

On March 25, the "Metafrax Chemicals" Companyheld an annual open Olympiad in chemistry, physics, mathematics among high schoolers of Gubakha, Kizel, Gremyachinsk, Alexandrovsk, Chusovoy, as well as students of the Urals Chemical Engineering College.
This year the Olympiad was held for the 16th time and gathered more than 60 participants. Traditionally, the Urals Chemical Engineering College has become the venue for the Olympiad. - Today you have a great opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, compete with each other, - greeted schoolchildren and students Rashid Shakirov, Deputy General Director of Metafrax Chemicals for Personnel and Social Affairs, . – This day will certainly be useful for everyone, because the Olympicchallenge, which was prepared by our partners from Perm National Research Polytechnic University, can be considered without exaggeration as a rehearsal of the Uniform State Exam. I wish all participants success and good luck in this challenge.
Deputy Director of the College,Mikhail Voroshilov wished the children confidence in their abilities, and docent of the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Chairman of the Olympiad jury, Olga Bakhireva told the participants about the rules and procedure for conducting competitive tasks. The expert team of the university has been preparing the tasks of the Olympiad and conducting it for the second year. This year the tasks were again focused on the uniform state exam, but there were also tasks with an Olympic "highlight". The Olympiad was held in two subject areas: "chemistry-mathematics" and "physics-mathematics". 2 hours were given to solve all the tasks.
While the jury was summing up the results, the participants of the Olympiad talked with representatives of the Metafrax Chemicals,JSC. Rashid Shakirov told the pupils about the Metafrax Group,about the products, manufactured by the company, about the personnel policy and measures of social support for employees, elaborated on the point,how you can get an education under a contract from the Company and become part of a professional team. The pupils were able personally to communicate with the manager and ask questions. Olga Bakhireva, being the chairman of the admissions committee of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies, Industrial Ecology and Biotechnology, also spoke about the areas of training of the faculty and shared tips on applying the documents for admission.
The quest game "Kaleidoscope of chemical professions" for the participants of the Olympiad was conducted by the students of the college, ambassadors of the federal project "Professionalitet".The pupils divided into reamsandpassed 6 stations, where they checkedthemselves in the knowledge of the elements of the periodic table of Mendeleev, chemical glassware and equipment, in mechanics, chemistry, safety rules. The school childrenof the Research and Educational Center (REC) - 14th Gubakha'sSchool coped best of allwith this professional journey.
The Olympic day ended with the awarding of the winners. In the chemistry-mathematics section, Elizaveta Davydenkova, a school childof the Chusovoy Educational Center, became the winner, Timofey Vakhrameev, a school childof the Chusovoy gymnasium, was awarded the second place, Kirill Zhigalov, a school childof Gubakha School No. 14 (REC), took the third place on the podium.
Alexander Elovikov became the leader of the physics-mathematics section, Ivan Karpov took the second place, bothguys are the pupilsof the Chusovoy REC, Yaroslav Galeev from the Yayva's school took the third place.
In the individualsubjects the results were as follows: Elizaveta Davydenkova was recognized as the best in chemistry, Alexander Elovikov was the strongest in physics, Timofey Vakhrameev scored the most points in mathematics.
Rashid Shakirov presented diplomas, prizes and gifts to the winners of the Olympiad, highlighting the perseverance, dedication and high level of training of the children. The leaders of the Olympiad will have the opportunity to enter technical universities under an agreement with the "Metafrax Chemicals" Company.