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Formalin technical

Main physical and chemical parameters

Parameter name


ФМ (High grade)



Colorless transparent fluid. Formation of slime or white sediment soluble at 40°С max. is permitted

Mass fraction of formaldehyde, %

36,9 – 37,5

36,5 – 37,5

Mass fraction of methanol, %

4,0 – 8,0

No more 1,0

Mass fraction of acids in terms of formic acids, %, no more



Mass fraction of iron, %, no more



Mass fraction of residue after calcinations, %, no more



ФМ – stabilized with methanol

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Formalin is used as raw material to produce synthetic resins, plastics, organic chemicals; in production of caoutchouc and rubber; as inhibitor in metal and oil industry; as desinfectant and antiseptic agent in agriculture; in textile, leather and paper industry for treatment of materials to increase their quality features.

Transportation and storage

Formalin to be transported in the rail tank cars, in special rail tank cars, by road in road tank cars equipped with boiler from aluminum or stainless steel, or carbon steel with anticorrosion coating. The product to be transported in accordance with the shipping rules, valid for this mode of transportation. This product to be stored in the heated tanks manufactured from the materials that ensure preservation of product quality. The product to be stored at the temperature from 10°С to 25°С. The formation of white sediments or little turbidity is possible during transportation and storage, that is caused by paraformaldehyde formation.

Manufacturer’s guarantee

Guaranty period of storage to be 3 month from the manufacturing date, provided that all transportation and shipment rules are observed.

Sales Department

Yuri Bystrykh


WhatsApp: 7(984) 000 19 88

Тел.: 7(984) 000 19 88

Sales Department 2

Pavel Pirogov


WhatsApp: 7(984) 000 10 55

Тел.: 7(984) 000 10 55

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