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Hexamethylenetetramine micronized

Main physical and chemical features

Parameter name

Norm for type МК


White crystalline caking powder

Mass fraction of amines, %, no less


Mass fraction of water, %, no more


Residue after ignition, %


Residue after calcination on the sieve with the mesh size to be 0,1mm, %

no more 1

Content of the stabilizer, %

0,5 – 3,0

МК – stabilized micronized (with a particle size no more than 0,1 mm)

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The product is used in plastics industry, rubber and lacquer film, in medicine and food industry, in analytical chemistry; as dry fuel.


Multiwall moisture-proof paper bags net weight 25 kg.

Transportation and storage
Hexamethylenetetramine micronized is transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules of goods carriage, valid for this mode of transport. Transportation and/or storage under conditions of higher humidity, as well as putting pressure on products result in caking. Hexamethylenetetramine micronized is transported in closed transport facilities. Hexamethylenetetramine micronized is stored in covered accomodation, protected from direct sunlight, on pallets at the height of no less than 5 cm from the floor and at a distance of no less than 1 m from the heating units. It is not recommended that big bags and unit loads are put on top of each other.

Manufacturer's guaranty

Guaranty period of storage to be 1 year from the manufacturing date, provided that all transportation and shipment rules are observed.

Sales Department

Yuri Bystrykh

E-mail: [email protected]

WhatsApp: 7(984) 000 19 88

Тел.: 7(984) 000 19 88

Sales Department 2

Pavel Pirogov

E-mail: [email protected]

WhatsApp: 7(984) 000 10 55

Тел.: 7(984) 000 10 55