The Metafrax Collective Labour Agreement Validity was Prolonged for Two Years

The Collective Labour Agreement Prolongation Agreement until December 31, 2018, was signed by Vladimir Daut, PJSC Metafrax General Director, and Lyudmila Krasnykh, Metafrax Labour Union Chairman.
The company’s Collective Labour Agreement concluded in 2011, was prolonged for two years period in the existing revision taking into account all changes, accepted from the moment of its conclusion. All the social guaranties of employees are saved as they are. The Collective Labour Agreement, in particular, supposes health resort treatment and healing of employees, resort for children, non-recurring payments for marriage, for delivery of a child, for retirement, work with young people and veterans of the company.
Rashid SHAKIROV, Deputy General Director for Personnel And Social Issues:
- Today, at the unstable economics time, the social stability in collective is one of the main tasks of the company management. Full sine die prolongation of the Collective Labour Agreement and keeping of all social guaranties of employees is the most effective way to strengthen such stability and confidence in our business, production and life.
Lyudmila KRASNYKH, Metafrax Labour Union Chairman:
- It’s pleasant that in such uneasy financial period for the company, we could prolong the Collective Labour Agreement validity until December 31, 2018 by combined efforts and save the previously issued social package.
According to the labor legislation, the Collective Labour Agreement prolongation term should not be longer than three years, but at the same time, it can be prolonged for unlimited amount of times.