The Company’s Special Project – 3D Video for AUM – was Recognized as the Winner of the National Contest ‘Silver Threads’

The Metafrax’s video project – 3D video that presents the largest investment project of the company, Ammonia-Urea-Melamine complex construction – was recognized as the winner of the corporate media resources national contest Silver Threads.
Only in general nominations, about 90 applications for participation from 24 Russian regions and 10 industrial spheres had been sent to the contest Organizing Committee. Corporate medias and projects from Moscow, Saint-Petersburgh, Tomsk, Ekaterinburg, Great Novgorod, Chelyabinsk and Tyumen Regions and Perm Krai had got in the short list. On the 9th of December, during the XI National Conference, PJSC Metafrax became the federal winner in the nomination “The Best Company Presentation”.
The video was prepared for presentation of the new company’s investment project in framework of the Public Hearings and had been shown at the III Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum. Honored experts in the environment assessment and the higher technical education, as well as non-governmental organizations, leaders took part in the taping. You can see the video in the AUM public reception office, where the environment impact assessment of the project are kept, and the direct connection with the city community is built.
In the different years, the company’s website had been the Silver Threads award winner, and the company’s newspaper “the Limitless Chemistry” was recognized “For Active Position in the Infosphere”.
Maria Konovalova, PR Advisor of PJSC Metafrax Board of Directors Chairman:
The industry goes deeper and deeper to the digital communications. The communications are concentrated in the social media and blogs, new developments in the 3D modelling, augmented and virtual reality, interactive web versions of traditional print media with their audience. When possible, we try to follow these trends.