Dominanta of goodness

Metafrax Group together with the youth theater «Dominanta» arranged a festive performance for the pupils of the Rudnichny’s residential children’s care home.
The artists of the theatre visited the Rudnichny’s residential care home on January 13 with an interactive street program “The Santa Clauses’ Quartet”. Together with the heroes of the performance the children played, had fun and learned their favorite dances of Santa Clauses from different countries.
For two years, pupils and employees of the Rudnichny’s residential care home have been living in quarantine, when visits of guests are seriously limited, and the usual events in the assembly hall, friendly volunteer meetings in the rooms are prohibited. Therefore, the opportunity to spend time actively in an open safe space supports the children.
- This meeting is another event of the charitable project "Bring back the Future" of the "Dedmorozim" fund, in frames of which the diagnostics, rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled orphans are carried out, and family conditions are created in the care homes, favorable for the development of children. Then the project continues with the adaptation of the children outside the institution - including education, employment and accompanied living, - said Mrs. Maria Konovalova, PR Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals.
Together with the specialists of the “Dedmorozim” fund, the Metafrax team annually supports the project with donations and volunteers to help children from Rudnichny’s residential care home to feel better and become more independent. The “Bring back the Future” joint project is being implemented since 2019 with the support of Mr. Seifeddin Rustamov, the beneficiary owner of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals.