We need splendid specialists!

The winners of the first joint case championship of "Metafrax Group" and EY will receive the status of High Priority Candidates during selection into the company.
For the first time, "Metafrax Group" and EY announce a joint team competition for students - the EY Case Championship. Senior students of Russian universities (third-fourth year of bachelor's degree and first-second year of master's degree) with specialization in economics, finance, management and mathematics, who speak English at the Upper-Intermediate level and above, are invited to participate in the intellectual competition.
The EY Case Championship will be held on February 17 – March 3, 2022 in online mode. The registration is through the link up to and including February 13. The teams will be formed randomly.
The participants will be able to try their hand at solving real cases that EY consultants work with. The contestants will have to develop a strategy for a multidisciplinary group of companies in the chemical industry.
The winning team will receive the status of High Priority Candidates when being selected for EY as well as for job openings in the "Metafrax Group".
- I am grateful to the partners from EY for the opportunity to hold a joint case championship. This format is new, but it is very relevant for us. "Metafrax Group" is moving to the implementation of the target management model for the group. The new system was developed together with the EY team under the leadership of Valentina Fedoseeva as part of a project to transform our business and create a management company.We are actively expanding the team, including in regards to strategy and investment. We hope to find talents among the participants of the case championship. We need splendid young specialists who are thoughtful and strong. I think this format is also a great way to give students an opportunity to engage in the real strategic issues of our industry and reflect on future projects together. Finally, it will allow us to reveal the philosophy and mission of "Metafrax Group" in a deeper way, especially their subtle aspects, - said Levon Garslyan, Deputy Director General for Strategic Development and Evaluation of Investment Projects of "Metadynea Metafrax Group".