HR-services of Metafrax Group implement the brand philosophy in their daily work

A seminar for human resource specialists from companies that are part of "Metafrax Group" was held in Perm on February 13th. Its participants discussed the introduction of new "Metafrax Group" values into everyday life.
The group of companies continues the phased implementation of the new brand, which was launched in 2018. A single brand is intended to not only position Metafrax in the markets of its presence correctly, but also to introduce its basic values – innovation, responsibility, and sustainability – into the way employees act at all of the Group's sites.
While starting the seminar, Ivan Feoktistov, head of the human resource and organizational development Department of "Metafrax Trading" LLC, had stated that the implementation of a new brand should be a starting point to look at events with employees as well as meetings with schoolchildren and students from a new angle, in order to be an example of changing the company's philosophy.
The seminar facilitator – Dmitry Ambrusenko, a representative of the "Electric Creative" communication agency (Moscow), which was engaged in the creation of a new brand, highlighted the importance of rooting the brand philosophy in the life of enterprise teams and noted the high value of the human resource specialists' contribution in this process.
During the seminar, participants reviewed cases from Google, Coca-Cola and Beeline on how to breathe life into a new brand.
In the course of group work, the participants tried to translate values into a simple language that is understandable for everyone as well as tried to identify the principles that will turn new corporate values into a part of life.
The seminar was attended by human resource specialists from "Metafrax Chemicals", "Metafrax Trading", "Metadynea", "Metafrax Inform", "MetaTransStroy" and "Karbolit".