Students from High School of Economics presented their business plans to experts of Metafrax Group

On the 1st of February, at the venue of National Research University High School of Economics, the final stage of lecture courses “Chemistry without borders: search of investment projects” was held. Second and third year students presented their business plans related to manufacturing of new products for chemical branch in Russia.
Presentations were delivered by 8 teams. Topics for business plans were defined together with experts of Metafrax Group. Student works were evaluated by lecturer/specialists from Metadynea, Engineering and technological center of Metafrax and invited experts such as LLC Metadinea General Director Igor Spasskiy and research supervisor from HSE specialized department of Financial Market Infrastructure professor Nikolay Berzon. Such criteria as project uniqueness, quality of financial and business analysis, team work quality and actual idea implementation in chemical industry were evaluated.
As per jury decision, students demonstrated their interest to the course topic and paid attention to recommendations of lecturers and experts. The team № 8 became a winner. It presented a project about product manufacturing for transport infrastructure handling. All students received memorable gifts from Metadynea company.
The joint course of Metafrax Group and High School of Economics “Chemistry without borders: search of investment products” was started in November 2019. The course manager became Deputy General Director for strategic planning and investment project evaluation of Metafrax Group Levon Garslyan. Specialists of Metadynea, Metafrax Group and Engineering and technological center of Metafrax toke on the role of lecturers and experts.