“The industrial city” – modern and dynamic

The meetings with retired employees of Metafrax at the site of Ammonia-Urea-Melamine (AUM) complex became a nice traditions. The first one has happened in January, the second one – in August of last year. And so, on 15 September 2023 the retired employees once again were invited to the already commissioned production.
In the AUM complex museum Metafrax retired employee Fanil Kayumov told the guests about the phases of construction, changes in the exhibition – the items for display are constantly replenished, the chronicle is being recorded, events and facts of the plant personnel life are expressed.
Then by a bus the retired employees had a tour around all territory of the complex. There were stops near the plants of ammonia, urea and melamine. In-depth tour for the guests at each site was arranged by the plant personnel. The AUM complex chief engineer Alexey Dolganov, when greeting the retired employees, has note:
“From the last your visit many events have happened: started and put to design capacity the urea and melamine plants.
Then the “trip torch” was taken by the deputy head of the AUM production preparation plant Oleg Starkov. The guests saw the modern ammonia warehouse, air and nitrogen compression and at IV terrace – elaborate complex of packing, storage and shipment of the finished products to the railway cars and automobiles. Oleg Starkov spoke about the plant employees, relationships within sub-department and equipment operation.
Based on the tour results the retired employees shared their emotions about the production culture: clean, well-maintained territory, stylish street lamps, a unique fountain – not every city has one like this. And in the air – no foreign “chemical” smells. This also was impressing.
Powerful, modern, dynamic and at the same time beautiful “industrial city”, which is named – AUM complex, astonished the retired employees. The guests thanked the plant management, the complex personnel for the attention to the retired employees. The meeting has ended in a cozy canteen of AUM while drinking tea, exchanging opinions about what was seen and taking a picture altogether near the fountain.