Common task

The experts of Metafrax Group propose to consider the system of personnel training for industry within the framework of the concept of sustainable development of the region.
Maria Konovalova, Director for Strategic Communications of Metafrax Group, Elena Bolotova, Head of the Human Resources Department at Metafrax Chemicals JSC, and Mikhail Voroshilov, Deputy Director of the Urals Chemical Technological College, took part in the"Education for Industry" round table. The discussion took place on September 27 in the press center of the"Argumenty i Fakty - Prikamye" publication.
The Minister of Education of the Perm Region, Raisa Kassina, said that when making decisions on thetraining of specialists, the region always responds to employers' orders. The number of school graduates is limited. The need of industrialists for future specialists,who will receive the necessary specialties in colleges and universities,is much higher. Raisa Kassina said that the problem is being solved in several ways.
- First of all, we establish modern conditions for students to study and live, including for school graduates to move for study from neighboring territories. For this purpose we are building new dormitories, workshops and buildings for technical schools," explained Raisa Kassina.
Also, in technical schools and colleges, students can get several specialties at once. Another important step: they introduce children to popular professions since the school days.
The Director forStrategic Communications of Metafrax Group thanked the Ministry of Education of the Perm Region for support in training specialists.
- Realizing that it is most convenient to attract specialists from the territory where we are located, we are looking for them, first of all, in Gubakha, in Verkhnekamye. But we understand that we need to "expand" to the whole region," Maria Konovalova said. - For example, we know that in the south of the region there are children, who pass the Unified National Exam in chemistry very well. We would like to attract them to study, and then to work with us. We have set up a system of vocational training since the school days and then employment at the enterprise. At the same time, we understand that it is not enough to teach a person and provide a workplace with a good salary. It is also necessary to provide decent living conditions. Therefore, I would consider training professionals within the concept of sustainable development of the region.
The Head of the Human Resources Department of Metafrax Chemicals added that it is important for the company to invest in the professional training of schoolchildren and students. Now Metafrax plans to come even to kindergartens, telling children about production in a playful way. The company is already working with primary and secondary schools, classes are held in all schools of the Kizel coal-basin.
- At the same time, despite the great demand for specialists with secondary education, workers with higher education are also needed, - Elena Bolotova noted. - The Company has opened an engineering class with a training profile "physics, chemistry, mathematics". Classes are taught, among others, by teachers of Perm Polytechnic University. This year, 30 children were enrolled in the class. During classes, meetings, workshops and other activities, children are always motivated to stay in their hometown and region.
Another important area is the creation of a competence center. It was organized on the basis of the Urals Chemical Technological College.The deputy director of the educational institution said that the College has been cooperating with Metafrax for a long time. The result of the joint work was a number of interesting solutions to train specialists. A striking example is the system of continuing education "School-College-Enterprise-University", theactivitiesof which have been funded from the company's funds since 2020. Technological classes have been establishedon the basis of Gubakha's schools, the graduates of whichconsciously and motivationally choose college specialties. Thanks to the Program of thefurther vocational education at the Perm National Research Polytechnic University, implemented for students of 3-4 courses, college graduates have the opportunity to receive correspondence education at Perm Polytechnic University in a reduced time.
- Metafrax Chemicals, JSC,within the framework of partner work fully oversees the educational process of the college. Students of all specialties, without exception, undergo practical training in the structural subdivisions of the enterprise.Thanks to the continuous technical development, the start upof new production facilities, such as the Ammonia-urea-melamine complex, the staffing of the enterprise has increased by 30% over the past few years – from 1800 to 2500 people. For modern, and sometimes unique, technologies used in production, highly qualified personnel are needed. Our college is the main partner in its preparation," Mikhail Voroshilov said. –In our enterprise the share of theworkers, graduates of the college, is about 45%, that is, almost every second one.
Successes in joint work on the employment of the College'sgraduates were noticed at the federal level. In 2023, within the framework of the federal project "Professionalitet", a production and educational cluster of the Chemical Industry of the Perm Region was established on the basis of theUrals Chemical Technological College. The key employer with a significant amount of co-financing of the federal grant in this project was Metafrax Chemicals.
During the round table event, the participants noted that the experience, gained in Gubakha,should be disseminated in the region, since there is a need for professionals everywhere.
the full textof the article is providedin the "AIF-Prikamye" publication.