Engineer of the Year

Denis Vakhrushev, Deputy Head of the Material and Equipment Procurement Department of "Metafrax Chemicals" JSC, was recognized as the winner of the All-Russian competition titled "Engineer of the Year – 2022".
The annual All-Russian "Engineer of the Year" competition was being held for the 23rd time. This year, more than 70 thousand technical specialists from 55 regions of Russia competed for the victory, but only 420 participants of the competition, including our colleague Denis Vakhrushev, were among the winners.
The award ceremony took place in Moscow at the Engineer House. Denis Vakhrushev was awarded a commemorative badge as one of the winners; his name was recorded in the Register of Professional Engineers of Russia.
- To be honest, I haven't fully understood the significance of this event yet, but I'm happy and proud. I am grateful to the organizers of the competition and the management of our company for the opportunity to participate in this event, get inspired and feel proud of Russian technical specialists, - Denis Vakhrushev shared his impressions.
The initiator of the young engineer's participation in the All-Russian competition was Aleksandr Vdovin, the technical director of the company, and Aleksandr Eske, the chief mechanic, supported the idea. Denis Vakhrushev had to submit an entry to the jury, which included prominent Russian scientists, designers and heads of leading domestic enterprises.
The contestant received a mechanical engineer degree at Perm Polytechnical University (PNRPU), the start of professional activity at the Production for maintenance and repair of equipment in process workshops (POROTS) and 8 years of work in the chief mechanic department of the company, where he was engaged in organizing the work of the repair workshop as well as attracting the work contractors and controlling their work – from holding the tender before working at the site and acceptance of the as-built documentation. The results of this work formed the basis of the entry, the main criteria of which were the necessity, importance and value of projects, which were implemented with the participation of an engineer, for the production.
The independent commission gave a high rating to the achievements of "Metafrax Chemicals" and the personal contribution of the engineer. He participated in a project implementation for modernization of the sealing gas supply system for dry gas seals of the converted gas centrifugal compressor, as well as for modernization of the methane conversion reforming furnace with the replacement of reaction pipes and soft lining of the furnace roof. An important stage in Denis Vakhrushev's professional activity were also the annual shutdown repairs of methanol production, where he was engaged in organizing and coordinating the work of 15 work contractors with a total of more than 250 people around the clock.
- All the projects described in the entry would not have been possible without the participation of methanol production workers and repair specialists of POROTS. Therefore, if you look at the situation comprehensively and honestly, then only a part of me is in this competition, the rest is the contribution of my colleagues, - admitted Denis Vakhrushev.