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Russian paraform taps into the market

Russian paraform taps into the market

On 1st March in Perm will be held all-Russian practical cross-industry conference Paraformaldehyde 2023.

In the event will participate the representatives of the federal and regional government, biggest manufacturers, customers and traders of this innovation product, science institutes, authorities, non-commercial partnerships and other experts. The conference partners became Metafrax Group, as well as Communikatsii (a part of CREON group) and UralKhimSyntez.

The leading members of the gas and chemical industry will discuss tendencies of paraformaldehyde (paraform) market development, including import replacement of the foreign paraform with domestic product, perspectives of its application in different industries, including agriculture, processing of the field mediums, regulations for application of disinfectants in agricultural sector, paraform derivatives in production of synthetic resins, as well as standards and requirements to transportation of dangerous cargo.

“In the end of 2022 in Gubakha was opened the production of paraformaldehyde – modern product, which before was not produced at the territory of the RF. It allowed to satisfy the available demand of the domestic paraform customers and proceed with export”, notes the general director of Metafrax Trading LLC Oleg Mamaev. “With that, we see a substantial potential for further expansion of paraform markets distribution both inside the country and abroad. Especially promising is expected the product application in agriculture”.

The conference Paraformaldehyde 2023 will be held on 1st March in the concert hall of Ural hotel (Lenina street, 58, 2d floor). The event opening is at 10:00. Participation in the conference is free of charge. Under an advance request on the conference it will be possible to get samples of the finished product with supporting documentation. For more detail information and registration for participation in the conference please contact: +7(495) 276-77-88, via e-mail: [email protected] or on the web-site: параформ.2023


Paraform is a solid product shaped as granules, which has no limitations in terms of the transportation duration and storage life. When dissolved there is a water formaldehyde solution is formed, which can be applied to receive many derivatives. Paraform produced in Gubakha has a top grade and it’s intended for production of plastics, paints, resins, glue compositions, insulation materials. The product is widely applied in production of chip boards and MDF boards as a binding polymer. The same type is applied in production of herbicides in agriculture and antiseptics in livestock farming.