“Metafrax's” team is among the dozen strongest

The athletes of "Metafrax Chemicals" represented the Perm region once again at the final stage of the All-Russian GTO festival among employee teams. The competitions were held from 12th to 17th of May in Izhevsk.
The victory in the GTO multidiscipline competition of the Perm region's Sports Contest of workers provided "Metafrax's" team with a ticket to the final round of the festival. Fifty teams from forty-five regions of the country took part in it.
The team included: Mikhail Dmitriev, a hydrolysis operator, Natalia Berezina, a chemical water treatment operator, Yuri Permyakov, a distillation operator, Anastasia Surenkova, a chemical water treatment operator, Maria Boitsova, a synthesis operator, Denis Kazakov, a conversion operator, Natalia Fedorova, the Head of the Standardization and Certification Bureau, and Oleg Vakhitov, a leading engineer. The coach of the athletes is Rishat Ishmanov, a representative of the Perm region team, the head of "Gubakhinsky" TC GTO SLC.
The participants of the festival had to pass the following types of tests: lifting the torso from supine position, push-ups while lying on the floor (for women) and pull-ups on a high bar (for men); leaning forward from standing position with straight legs on the gymnastic bench; shooting from sitting position with elbows on the table with a distance of 10 m and an air rifle with a peep sight; running 2000 and 3000 meters; swimming 50 meters; GTO race (relay race).
As a result, the "Metafrax Chemicals" team took 12th place in the individual-and-team event.
The company's employees took a number of award-winning places in individual events. Denis Kazakov took 1st place in lifting the torso from supine position and 1st place in a 50-meter swim. Anastasia Surenkova became first in a 50-meter swim. Yuri Permyakov is the vice-champion in a 50-meter swim. Oleg Vakhitov became a leader in leaning forward from standing position with straight legs, finished second in a 50-meter swim, and became third in pull-ups on a high bar. Natalia Fedorova took 2nd place in the 2000-meter race.
– For the third time in a row, "Metafrax" represents the Perm region at the All-Russian festival. I am very glad that our team is progressing every year. It is clearly seen from the statistics: 2021 – 9th place out of 36 teams, no medals; 2022 – 13th place out of 42 teams, 3 medals; 2023 – 12th place out of 52 teams, 6 medals, – shared Denis Kazakov.
The "Metafrax Chemicals" team thanks its devoted managers, coaches and mentors - Rishat Ishmanov and Minkhat Kharisov; Rashid Shakirov, the Deputy General Director of the enterprise for Personnel and Social Affairs, and the entire management of the company for the opportunity to be involved in the big sports festival; the organizers of the festival, the Ministry of Physical Education and Sports of the Perm region, all its rivals and fans.