"Metafrax Group" will identify the holding's sustainable development goals

At the latest meeting in May of 2023, the work group for implementation of ESG principles began to form a roadmap for the implementation of the sustainable development principles at "Metafrax Group".
The participants of the meeting discussed the progress of previously planned measures. Among them are the approval of the Sustainable Development Policy by the Board of Directors of "Metafrax Chemicals" JSC, the company's participation in the "Green Eurasia" competition, the implementation of the ESG project for separate waste collection titled "With Love for Nature" at the Perm office of "Metafrax Group", and a number of other initiatives.
The need to update the composition of the group was confirmed at the meeting and proposal of Simon Vikhnin, the Chairman of the work group, on the need to focus the work group's activities on sustainable development issues, was approved. According to the manager, this is due to the broader meaning of the term "sustainable development". At the same time, sustainable development is being considered as a goal and the ESG principles are being considered as tools for achieving sustainable development.
The issue of selection and approval of sustainable development goals brought up a lively discussion. As a result of the discussion, the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were approved as priority goals for "Metafrax Group" from the number of goals developed by the United Nations: "Health and well-being", "Quality education", "Clean water", "Decent work and economic growth", "Responsible consumption and production".
During the meeting, a lot of attention was paid to the review of the draft roadmap for the implementation of the sustainable development principles. The document includes measures aimed at further development per 11 blocks. The proposed measures relate to corporate management, social and environmental activities of the holding, support of the group's brand, participation in competitions and ratings for sustainable development.
- All these measures are aimed at achieving the selected goals. Sustainable development is possible only with equal attention to economic growth, social development and the environment, although these criteria are not always equal and separable from each other. That is why it is important to systematically approach the sustainable development issues in the holding, - summarised Simon Vikhnin.
A work group for the implementation of ESG principles was established at “Metafrax Group” at the end of 2021. It consists of top managers of the management company, "Metafrax Chemicals", "Metadynea", "Metafrax" Engineering and Technology Center" and trading companies; representatives of legal and financial services, production, corporate management, strategic communications, HR, GR and environmental protection. The issues of corporate management, climate reporting and proposals for further development, including the introduction of modern international standards, are being reviewed at the meetings of the work group.